The Kalama High School Drama program is inviting members of the public to attend a fall production of “The Frogs: A Modern Adaption by Don Zolidis.”
The play begins as Dionysus, God of Wine and Poetry, ventures to the underworld to rescue Shakespeare in a bid to elevate modern entertainment. Captured by reality TV-loving demon frogs, Dionysus faces neverending torment unless he brings more reality shows into the world, complicating his mission. With Jane Austen adding to the chaos, this witty adaptation of Aristophanes' satire offers a hilarious clash of highbrow and lowbrow art.
“Surprisingly, with a runtime of only 90 minutes, this show has so many moving parts to it,” said Michael Ready, director of the Drama program at Kalama High School. “While the main cast are all veterans, much of the story is driven by the titular frogs, who are all middle school or freshman students. As such, a lot of growth has come about from this show.”
Behind the scenes, Ready noted that the production’s complexities have kept the program’s theatre tech crew on their toes.
“Our tech crew has had a lot of fun trying to figure out the more intricate aspects of the show, and I never thought they'd have to build a boat on stage!” he said.
Performances of “The Frogs” will take place at the following dates/times at the Kalama High School Auditorium:
Friday, November 22 - 7 PM
Saturday, November 23 - 7 PM
Sunday, November 24 - 2 PM
General admission tickets are $10, or $5 for seniors and students with ASB. Doors open 30 minutes prior to the start time.
For more information, visit the KHS Drama Club page.