Welcome to Kalama Middle School
Welcome to Kalama Middle School
Preparing all students for responsible citizenship, gainful employment, and post-secondary admission.
KMS Shining Stars

"Melissa & Stacy have been pivotal in creating a positive culture amongst staff & students. They started the Culture Club to create community activities for sports teams & clubs. They also created staff activities throughout the year to promote positive relationships."
- Melissa Wilson, MS Teacher & Stacy Jackson, 6-12 Secretary

"Ashley treats every person she encounters respectfully. Whether it's a student in a difficult situation, or a colleague passing by, she is kind, thoughtful, and polite."
- Ashley Thurber, KMS Counselor

"Yolanda and Judy assist with building positive social emotional skills so students can be more successful in class. They have safe and inviting rooms where all students are respected for their individual differences."
- Yolanda Bishop & Judy Bergthold, Nook Program