Daily Bulletin

Lunch today is Hawaiian pizza and Caesar salad. 

ALL SCHOOL NEWS  All Color War shirts are on sale price is $6.

HIGH SCHOOL NEWS   Hey HS students -KLTV is wanting to broadcast (on TV) a volleyball game. But we would need to provide 2 students to run cameras.  If you are interested in Broadcast or even willing to run a camera during a sporting event contact Mr. Wright  AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

All Blues Band members playing at the Search and Rescue event please meet in the shop parking lot at 4:00 PM tomorrow to load and go.  

All FFA members participating the Small Animal Swap tomorrow, morning shift will report to Double D's at 8:00 AM, afternoon shift will report at 4:00 PM.  Dress Blues are optional

Seniors!  The scholarship list on the school’s website is now current.  Yes, there are scholarships already being added. Also look in Mr. Whites room for the scholarship file

MIDDLE SCHOOL  If you want to enter a drawing for the yearbook have it finished and turned into Ms. Wilson today by 3:15.



HS Football

@ LaCenter


Bus leaves @ 4:30


HS Soccer

VS Toledo




HS Volleyball

Mark Morris Challenge


Vans leave @ 7am