Kalama News

Lunch today is shepherd’s pie and a dinner roll.  Tomorrow is bacon, egg and cheese on a golden biscuit.

ALL SCHOOL NEWS   If you’re interested in trying out for cheer for next year, practice will start on March 25 through the 28th from 5:30-7:30 in the lower gym.  Tryouts will be March 29th from 3:30-5:30.  Get you packet in the office.

HIGH SCHOOL   Sophomores and Juniors who are interested in a career in the Medical Field, the PeaceHealth St. Johns Mentorship Program could be a great way for you to earn some money and see what it’s like working at a Hospital. If you have more questions or need more details, please see Mrs. Jackson. Applications are due by April 8th.

ASB Elections are approaching.  Please pick up an application from Ms. Becker

Seniors be sure and check out the new and local scholarships being added to the scholarship list on the school website weekly!   The Walter E Lundquist Scholarship for Kalama students is now available. Remember it is all done online now.  Info in Mr. White's class, with Mrs. Dye or on the school website.

Stud ball is coming up.  Stud ball is a boys’ volleyball tournament that is being held in Ridgefield on March 22nd AT 6pm.  

MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS  Attention all 6th graders!  There will be a Monopoly game night held on March 26th in Senior Hall.  It is free to everyone.   It will be held from 3-5:30 after school.  Come have a game night of free fun with friends.  Permission slips will be handed out.  We only have 35 spots available so be one of the first to bring your permission slip.



HS Baseball V & JV

@ Rainier OR


Release students @ 1:00

Vans leave @ 1:15



@ Morton


Release students @ 1:45

Bus leaves @ 2:00


MS Track

@ Toutle Lake


Release students @ 2:15

Bus leaves @ 2:30