Kalama News

Lunch today is pizza day!  Garlic chicken with Caesar salad.

ALL SCHOOL NEWS   The Intermediate/Advanced Drama class production of Radium Girls will be tonight and tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are a free will donation. 

All sixth-twelfth grade students are invited to audition for the spring musical Alice in Wonderland on Wednesday, March 6. Sign up outside the main office. 

HIGH SCHOOL  Stud ball is coming up.  Stud ball is a boys’ volleyball tournament that is being held in Ridgefield on March 22nd AT 6pm.   Contact leadership to sign up.

Students Gr 9-12, if you would like to know more about an opportunity to win a $1,000 award for writing an essay about you or a loved one's experience with cancer see Mrs. Dye in the library. Cutoff date is Monday.