Lunch today is cheese stuffed breadstick with warm marinara. Tomorrow is macho nacho with shredded lettuce, diced onion and tomato.
ALL SCHOOL NEWS We are on a 2 hour late start bell schedule.
The Intermediate/Advanced Drama class production of Radium Girls will be March 1 and 2 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are a free will donation.
HIGH SCHOOL Stud ball is coming up. Stud ball is a boys’ volleyball tournament that is being held in Ridgefield on March 222nd. Contact leadership to sign up.
Knowledge Bowl seniors. Please check in with Ms. Irwin ASAP about the Knowledge Bowl district meet.
Students Gr 9-12, if you would like to know more about an opportunity to win a $1,000 award for writing an essay about you or a loved one's experience with cancer see Mrs. Dye in the library. Cutoff date is March 4th.
MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS There will be an informational middle school track meeting today at 12:45 in the auditorium. All middle school athletes planning on participating in track this year should attend this meeting. See coaches Swett or Wilson with any questions.
Knowledge Bowl tomorrow at Coweeman Middle School. Bus will leave at 3:25
MS Girls Golf Team will have very quick meeting in the Elementary Gym with Mr. Maynard, this Thursday at 12:30 (MS Lunch)
SPORTS: Basketball is at State in Spokane. They are playing Toutle Lake at 12:15 today.