Lunch today is chicken fried rice and fresh oranges.
HIGH SCHOOL NEWS All FFA members there will be a meeting at lunch today in the band room portable regarding the summer fair schedule. If you are planning to participate in the fairs, please come to the meeting.
If you ordered a yearbook, autograph inserts will be available to pick up in the office before school, during lunch, or after school. We only have a few left.
All students need a pass today if you have to come to the office during class.
Locker clean-up today will be for grades 7th, 9th and 11th. If you need your locker combination you will need to go to the supervisor in charge.
MIDDLE SCHOOL Middle school yearbooks are going fast! Get yours today for only $15. You can purchase them in the office and online in Skyward.
SPORTS & ACTIVITIES All middle school girls interested in playing volleyball next year, please pick up an informational letter in the office for a practice schedule and requireme