How Board Meetings Work


The Kalama School Board is made up of five elected board members. The Board acts as the policy-making body of the district and is responsible and accountable for planning, policy, advocacy, and evaluation. Guided by state and federal laws, the board provides direction for the district by approving policies, making financial decisions, determining building needs, and approving the budget.

The Board conducts all meetings in a civil, orderly, and business-like manner, using Roberts Rules of Order (Revised) as a guide, except when Board bylaws or policies supersede such rules. During Board meetings, Board Members must refrain from communicating electronically (e.g., by email, text, social media) with their fellow Board Members.

Any member of the public may attend Board meetings, including individuals who do not live within district boundaries.


Unless otherwise posted, regular School Board meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month at noon, and on the 4th Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Typically, noon meetings are located in Room 206 of the Student Services Center (548 China Garden Rd.), and 7 p.m. meetings are located in the Kalama Middle School/High School Library (2nd Floor, 550 China Garden Rd.)


The Board welcomes and encourages public attendance during its meetings. If you need any accommodations for a disability in order to attend, please reach out to Teresa Young at (360) 673-5282 or at least two business days prior to the meeting.

All regular Board meetings are open to the public, and all actions authorized or required by law are taken at these meetings in public sessions. “Action” is defined broadly as the transaction of the official business of the Board, which includes, but is not limited to, receiving public testimony, deliberating, discussing, considering, reviewing, evaluating, and taking final action. “Final action” means a collective positive or negative decision or an actual vote by a majority of the members of the Board upon motion, proposal, resolution, or order.

All discussions are held during an open meeting, with the exception of “executive sessions," which allow for part of a meeting held without the public. There are a select number of statutory reasons for an executive session. These reasons include but are not limited to:

  • To consider a site selection or the acquisition of real estate if public knowledge of the matter might increase the price;

  • To review negotiations on the performance of a publicly bid contract if public knowledge might increase costs;

  • To receive and evaluate complaints or charges against an employee or Board Member (however, the person complained against may request a public hearing or a meeting open to the public to address the complaint or charge);

  • To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee (final actions, though, must be taken in public and discussions affecting employees generally must be held in public too);

  • To discuss with legal counsel matters relating to enforcement actions or to discuss with legal counsel litigation or potential litigation if public discussion might result in an adverse legal or financial consequence.

The Board President may also call for a special or emergency meeting. Click here to learn more about those.

Public Comment

Citizens are invited to provide input on agenda items and non-agenda items during the time set aside for public comment.

Public comment may occur orally or through written comments submitted to the Executive Secretary to the Superintendent prior to a Board meeting. Written comments must adhere to standards of civility and be received 24 hours before the meeting. All written public comments timely submitted will be distributed to each board member.

To ensure an orderly and businesslike meeting, individuals wishing to provide oral comment are required to:

  • Sign in prior to the meeting, so that the Board may recognize speakers in an orderly manner.

  • Be recognized by the Board President prior to speaking.

  • Direct comments to the Board, not the audience.

  • Keep comments focused. In case of time constraints, the Board President may, at their discretion, limit the length of comments.

  • Avoid personal attacks, lewd or obscene language.

During presentations to the Board, the audience is asked to listen respectfully, without interruption. The Board is not obligated to respond to questions or challenges made during the public comment period, and the Board’s silence will not signal agreement or endorsement of the speaker’s remarks.


The Board uses an agenda to establish a regular order of business. However, either the Superintendent or a Board Member may request additions or changes to the prepared agenda, and the Board may adopt a revised agenda or order of business by a majority vote of the Board Members present.

You can view upcoming and archived Board agendas by clicking here.

We hope to see you at the next meeting!