Career Technical Education (CTE)

Kalama School District’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program is designed to empower students to live, learn and work as productive citizens. The program’s curriculum blends core academics with real-world relevance, readying students for opportunities beyond the classroom walls. One of the strengths of the program is the strong partnership between CTE staff, the business community, and state, regional and community-based organizations.

Our goal is to help students:

  • Identify their strengths

  • Explore career options

  • Build generic work competencies and proficiencies useful for employment

  • Apply math, science, and other academic subjects in real-life, hands-on ways

  • Establish pathways for continuing education and lifelong learning

  • Prepare for future roles as citizens, leaders and contributors within the community

Several programs offered throughout Kalama School District fall under the category of CTE, including Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math experiences such as Robotics, Natural Resources, Construction and Manufacturing.

Click the image below to view Kalama High School's CTE Pathways & Credits infographic in full-size.

CTE credits & pathways infographic

Program contact:

For more information about Kalama School District's CTE program, please reach out to:

Cory Torppa
CTE Director, Kalama School District