Kindergarten Enrollment Information
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open!
Kalama School District offers a full-day Kindergarten program that provides our youngest learners with the opportunity to develop essential social, emotional and problem-solving skills, preparing them for success in later grades and life.
To enroll your child in Kindergarten, please create an account using our online enrollment portal. After submitting your information, our school registrar will contact you with the next steps to get your new student enrolled quickly and efficiently.
During the enrollment process, you will be asked to provide the following documentation:
Birth Certificate
Proof of residency in Kalama School District (examples: utility bill, rental agreement/mortgage document, etc. which provides physical home address)
Up-to-date immunization records
If you are purchasing or building a home, you will need to fill out a Boundary/Choice Transfer Request form and drop it off or mail it to the Kalama School District Office (548 China Garden Rd., Kalama, WA, 98625). Acceptable documentation includes:
Final closing papers with move in date/commitment papers
Acceptance contract from seller with closing date
Building permit from Cowlitz County and a general contractor contract with completion date and move-in date
Purchase agreement contract from the bank
DSHS documentation for applying for benefits or receiving benefits at the address

Note: Title insurance that simply shows the plot of land cleared and purchased is not acceptable proof of pending residency.
For more information about the Boundary/Choice Transfer process, click here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How old does my child need to be in order to be eligible for Kindergarten?
To be eligible for Kindergarten, a child must turn 5 years old on or before August 31.
When can I enroll my child for Kindergarten?
In any given year, Kindergarten enrollment typically opens in late March or early April. For the 2024-2025 school year, enrollment opened on Tuesday, March 19.
Where do I submit the required enrollment forms?
All required forms and information should be submitted to the school via the district's online enrollment portal.
What is "Kindergarten Round-Up?"
Much like an open house event, "Kindergarten Round-Up" offers families the opportunity to visit classrooms, meet our Kindergarten teachers, and learn about what to expect in Kindergarten! Our bus transportation provider, KWRL, often has a school bus on site to tour. This year's events will take place on Tuesday, March 26 from 5-6 PM, and on Thursday, March 28 from 4-5 PM.
What is the deadline to enroll my child for Kindergarten?
Kindergarten enrollment before June 1 is encouraged to save your child a spot and to help the district plan for appropriate staffing levels. That said, there is no official deadline to enroll your child for Kindergarten.
Is there a cost to families for the Kindergarten program?
Can my child ride the bus to school?
Kindergarten students are eligible to ride the bus just like students in other grades. Visit the KWRL website to register your student for the bus and find route information. Questions? Call KWRL at 360-841-2023.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
Give us a call at 360-673-5207. We are happy to help answer your questions!