Shining Stars


"Becky and Rebecca have been working with a Washington State University representative to help improve Special Education in Science. Their efforts are absolutely deserving of Shining Stars recognition!"

- Becky Barnett & Rebecca Edgecomb, KES Teachers


"Melissa & Stacy have been pivotal in creating a positive culture amongst staff & students. They started the Culture Club to create community activities for sports teams & clubs. They also created staff activities throughout the year to promote positive relationships."

- Melissa Wilson, MS Teacher & Stacy Jackson, 6-12 Secretary

Tammy Biglane, Pedro De Jesus, Jeff Taylor, Beth Zain (not pictured), Bonnie Dunn, Michelle Jorgenson and Brady Guttu

"Kalama Elementary's Reading Rocks crew work diligently with a large number of our students on reading skills. They also jump in wherever they're needed throughout the day to help our school run smoothly."

- Reading Rocks Crew, KES Staff


"During the ice storm last month, Heidi and Jennifer came in early and de-iced and shoveled our walkways prior to us getting on campus! Always putting in the extra effort!"

- Heidi Bunker, HS Principal & Jennifer Mccallum, Interim Sup

Sucrea Hutchinson

"Sucrea always steps up to help teammates and is a supporter of all the staff. She is the first one to jump in to help committees, groups, etc. She keeps what is best for students at heart, works as a team and asks, 'How can I help?'"

- Sucrea Hutchinson, KES Teacher

Mitchell Merwin

""Mitchell is a one-of-a-kind employee! He sees what needs to be done, and does it! His positive attitude makes coming to work refreshing. He doesn't hesitate to jump right in and help wherever needed. Mitchell's hard work and dedication is noticed by everyone."

- Mitchell Merwin, KSD Maintenance team

Stacy Jones

"Stacy Jones is an essential conduit between the Port of Kalama and the high school, helping to bring The Chinook Shoppe to the Mountain Timber Market. It took a lot to launch the store. Stacy stepped up to the plate in a big way!"

- Stacy Jones, KHS Career Connected Learning

Picture of Ashley Thurber and child

"Ashley treats every person she encounters respectfully. Whether it's a student in a difficult situation, or a colleague passing by, she is kind, thoughtful, and polite."

- Ashley Thurber, KMS Counselor

Randi Decker

"Randi is caring, supportive, and humble. She is always looking to do what is best for her students. She plans purposeful lessons, creates a welcoming environment, and carries an aura of peace wherever she goes."

- Randi Decker, KES Teacher

Yolanda Bishop & Judy Bergthold

"Yolanda and Judy assist with building positive social emotional skills so students can be more successful in class. They have safe and inviting rooms where all students are respected for their individual differences."

- Yolanda Bishop & Judy Bergthold, Nook Program
